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One of the best things I can remember about celebrating the Birthday of this magnificent country, is watching fireworks. More and more communities are having to do away with celebrating our country's birthday because of budget cuts. Hmm, Americans are suffering starvation and homelessness and other things while we give billions of dollars in aid to countries who could give a flying rat's ass about us.
That money would be better spent here on education, infrastructure and the well being of America first. I know that sounds selfish, but you gotta have your own house in order before you go trying to help others. Give some of the money to the communities to celebrate 4th of July like a big birthday party if you will, like the old time fair!! Those were fun!!
Anyway, Democracy to me means I have a voice in my government, Freedom means, I can move to any state in the U.S. I want to and I don't have to get permission first (this does not apply to you that are on parole or probation) I can marry whom I choose (within legal limits) and I can choose the profession of my choice..(also within legal limits) Sure, the U.S. is not perfect, but damn it, it is one of the best places on earth to live. And another freedom we all have, is if we do not like it here, we are free to move to another country of our choosing.
But on the other hand, the U.S. Government should not be given Carte Blanche to do what ever it deems fit. My personal belief is that no one company should be favored above another in private contracting, especially during wartime (Iraq Invasion).
Ok, you are the only contractor given the job and your company needs an indemnity clause as well before you will go to work. I think the U.S. Government acted in gross negligence with our tax dollars here. In my personal opinion it is one of the biggest cases of waste, fraud and abuse ever seen. And it is only going to get worse. You can still be a good American and not completely trust your Government. Although I do not always agree with the government's position, I would never sell America out to another country.
Think About It, the next time someone tells you "We have Always Done It That Way" Does not make it the right way!!