This blog entry is about one of the people in my life..That's right, I said people, but he is really my Pug, or I am his human... I think he owns me!! His name is Emperor Xuanzong and he is a fawn Chinese Pug. I just call him Frank after the "Frank from Men in Black movies" I received him as a gift for my 40th birthday shortly after I got home from Iraq/Kuwait.
I seemed to be having a hard time adjusting to life, and my wife had read about how the Ancient Chinese nobility would keep Pugs because of their great companionship. I always have had big dogs, but figured if I had to have a small one that a Pug would be Ideal. Boy was I in for a shock.... Frank turned out to be a 1 & 1/2 foot tall Marmaduke. If you have not seen a Marmaduke comic...you are missing out.
From 8 weeks old, he was into everything!! No kitty at my house was safe and even my older dog Dryfuss was at his mercy!! Dryfuss was a good sized Shepard & Lab mix dog with a super temperament. Frank would basically attach himself to Dryfuss's neck and Dryfuss would just drag him around. Frank always seems to know when I have not taken my medication or something is not right with me. He has stood on my chest, pinning me to the bed and barking in my face to alert me if he thought something is or was wrong.
He always knows if I am worried and or depressed and he will bark at me and incessantly lick my face to try to calm me down, I am not sure how he knows, he just knows. The Ancient Chinese knew a winner when they chose the Pug as a companion animal, and Frank is definitely an angel in a fur suit..he has not earned his Halo yet, but he is working on that...Just don't take your eyes off him while you are eating next to him, he may be pudgy, but he is fast!!
So this weekend I turn 45 and my wife will bake Frank a couple of plain vanilla cupcakes with dog treats in them because he celebrates his birthday with me. It is always so much fun to watch him enjoy those cupcakes. I hope to Have many more years with Frank, Lord knows I need someone to keep me out of trouble.